treatment of back pain

Upon the occurrence of pain in the back immediately arises the idea of a rheumatic pain. In fact, the cause of дискомфортных feelings in the lower back can become and pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, prior to drawing therapeutic scheme doctors carefully drive the patient. If it hurts your back in the lumbar than to treat патологию, may decide only невропатолог. Often to guide therapy connect doctors of narrow specialization - gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, oncologist, gynecologist, уролог. Depending on the diagnosed disease, further treatment is carried out at home or in the hospital.

How to treat pain in the lower back

Basic principles of treatment

Pain affecting the lumbar department of spinal pillar, can wear тянущий, aching character, or to take effect strong and sharp attacks. If during the examination the patient was found pathology of the organs of other systems of life, then in the treatment scheme are included the following activities:

  • intake of pharmacological drugs for cupping of inflammatory processes, elimination of pain, restoration of damaged bone and joint tissues;
  • implementation of physiotherapy practice to accelerate the regeneration of the spine and skeletal muscle;
  • going to physical therapy or gymnastics.

When a sudden and severe pain, limiting movement, patients are assigned drugs for intramuscular administration. As usual, in this case is done of hospitalization in стационар. After the improvement of the condition of the patient are discharged for further use in the home.

The right approach to treatment

The main reason for lower back pain - is destructive-degenerative damage of the vertebrae, or which has developed an intervertebral hernia. How do you successfully or took place treatment, doctors recommend patients to remove from the habitual way of life which provoked патологию factor. Otherwise the disease will come back after some time, or go in the chronic form, dangerous your relapses.

During the frequent pain in the lower back pain should replace the active sports, walks in the fresh air

Start to treat acute or dragging pains in the lower back should be in line with the bed rest. When the cause of the pathology becomes an inflammatory process, then even a small двигательная activity contributes to its spread. Neuropathologists are advised to buy orthopedic pillows and mattresses. To reduce the burden on the injured back prevents squeezing and pinching the muscle and nerve roots. If it is not possible to buy a special accessory, then you need to choose for sleeping-the mattress and pillow of medium hardness.

To speed up the healing process it is necessary in the course of treatment is to adhere to medical recommendations:

  • avoid any physical exertion and exercise active sports. At the stage of rehabilitation, it is possible to practice yoga, swimming or just long walks in the fresh air;
  • exclude from the diet of fatty and fried foods. That have a negative impact on the condition of the blood vessels, located in the area of the lumbar spine, support the отложению of harmful cholesterol. Lack of nutrients and biologically active substances - one of the reasons of destruction of bone tissue;
  • do not drink and do not smoke. If it doesn't work to overcome the harmful addiction totally, then at least at the time of treatment is necessary for her to forget. Poisonous resin, nicotine, ethanol is a detrimental effect on the veins, arteries and capillaries, slowing down the recovery of the skeletal, articular, and cartilaginous tissue in men and women.

Speed up the recovery you intake of balanced complexes of vitamins and trace elements. Some of them contain greater amounts of calcium, but these drugs can be taken only on doctor's prescription.

Pharmacological preparations

Despite the effectiveness of folk remedies and physiotherapy procedures, severe pain in the back are able to quickly eliminate the only аптечные drugs. If uncomfortable feelings are expressed weakly, year-round intake of capsules, dragees and pills. And when the intense pain neurologists is prescribed for the alleviation of the condition of the patient intravenous and intramuscular injection. Many of the drugs used to treat lower back pain, experience severe adverse effects and have many contraindications. To avoid the negative consequences of allowing strict adherence to medical recommendations, relating to the used dose and the duration of the курсового income.


Most of these therapeutic actions is not assigned to patients with pain caused by acute inflammatory process. For procedures to go after his cupping фармакологическими drugs. Physical therapy is used to normalize the тканевого exchange, regeneration of tissues, warning and other degenerative changes in the lumbar spine column. Using what физиотерапевтической procedure you can get rid of back pain:

  • electrophoresis. The active manipulation designed to allow quick delivery of medications (nsaids, analgesics, anesthetics, chondroprotectors) in the damaged area of the lower back. In the process of performing electrophoresis on the back of the patient have cotton swabs soaked in лекарственном solution. The top overlaps the special plates, through which it is given current. By the action of electric pulses, the molecules of the chemical substances quickly penetrate into the area of inflammation;
  • ultrasonic therapy. Fluctuations in the ultrasonic waves stimulate blood circulation in the lower back. The damaged tissue will begin to penetrate the nutrients and the biologically active substance and molecular oxygen. After the implementation of 5-10 procedures, at the patient's disappear pain due to relief of spasm of the muscles and increase the metabolism;
  • laser. The Laser-polarized light is used in the treatment of destructive changes in the lumbar межпозвоночных disks. By the action of infrared radiation with recovering blood supply to the joint and cartilaginous tissue, normalize metabolism. Physiotherapy promotes the excretion of the vertebrae pillar of the toxins and end-products of the inflammatory process;
  • magnetic therapy. During the procedure, the patient operates the characteristic magnetic fields for the stimulation of blood circulation in damaged tissues.
Electrophoresis is prescribed to patients for the treatment of back pain and cupping of the inflammatory process

The active handling is prescribed for the relief of further damage to the lumbar vertebrae and to prevent the spread of inflammation to healthy tissue. The result becomes the disappearance of painful sensations and restoration of full range of motion.

For the treatment of severe pain, which can be put on the foot, hand, coccyx, physiotherapy combined with the intake of pharmacological drugs. And in the rehabilitation period, or during remission of chronic diseases of the spine, patients are advised mud baths with mineral water, classic and precise massage, acupuncture.

Recipes of folk healers

To treat pain in the lower back healers recommend drinking a lot of fluids. Pure water, tea from chamomile and rose hips, compotes of fruit and berries will help quickly pull from the spine of the final products of inflammation, waste products and toxins. As the abundant drinking in folk medicine used infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Useful plants contain biologically active substances with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties.

How can I treat back pain healing infusion:

  • into a thermos всыпать on 3 century teaspoons of cranberries leaves, st. john's wort and ноготков, pour литром of boiling water and insist for about an hour. Strain, drink the fragrant infusion instead of coffee and tea;
  • in эмалированную or glass container placed on a handful of dry berries of rose hips, blueberries and juniper berries, pour 2 liters of hot water. Томить on a water bath for 30-40 minutes, strain and drink 0.5 cups of infusion before each meal.

Back pain you can remove the compress or ointment from natural products. How to prepare a potion:

  1. Melt in a water bath 3 century a teaspoon of natural honey, cool and mix with 2 tablespoons of аптечного alcohol.
  2. Into the mixture gently introduce 100 ml of petroleum jelly and rub the damaged area of the lower back.

This tool is also used for therapeutic wraps from back pain. For this mixture should rub, and distribute a thin layer on the skin. The above is the need to save the plastic film, and then обмотаться a warm scarf. Duration of the procedure is 3-4 hours.

Treatment of pain in the lower back usually takes place in the home. Only when диагностировании acute inflammatory process of the patient госпитализируется in стационар. Depending on the cause of the pathology of the therapy lasts from two weeks to several months. But when adherence to the medical recommendations greatly speeds up healing, as evidenced by the reviews cured patients.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs to release a man from lower back pain, cleanse the spine from impurities and toxins