Set of exercises for the resumption of direct posture

A man with a straight back attracts exciting looks in every society. Exercises for posture at home, will help anyone who wants to become as well. The lesson will require large financial costs and exhausting work. The secret of good posture, rests solely in his desire to achieve perfection.


Poor posture can be due to hereditary disease or injury of the spine. But most often the causes of illness lie in the wrong position back pain at work, sitting lifestyle and lack of physical exertion. In the risk group are students, students, administrative staff, knowledge workers, seamstress, professional drivers.

Pros the correct posture and method of its control

The benefits of correct posture are obvious. The line of the back, neck and shoulder looks great aesthetically. It says not only about the physical health of a person, but also about his discipline, ability to work on yourself, respect for yourself and others. Companion straight posture is the "royal" walking. The perfect twist adds confidence and brings additional competitive advantage.

Искривленная spin, and when hanging belly speaks to either laziness, either of utter indifference to the outside. It is not only ugly appearance, but also dangerous to health. Even a small curvature of the spine may lead:

  • to dangerous патологиям of the internal organs;
  • breathing disorders;
  • the slowing of blood flow in the limbs;
  • hypoxia of the brain tissue;
  • защемить nerve endings.

Correct posture is characterized by direct body position in the vertical plane. The shoulders are in one plane at a height, slightly and left out. Chest and back can be slightly released forward. A person can without problems разогнуть your legs at the knees without discomfort. And at the same time together must be absolutely straight, knees, heels and thighs — come into contact with each other.

For verifying the correctness of the posture, there is a very simple way. It is necessary to прислониться back to the wall and straighten completely. The legs should be assembled together, the arms fall along the body. Head pressed against the rear side, the sight in front of him.

Someone from the family must stick your hand between the wall and the низом back. If the palm passes freely, means that your posture is correct. In the opposite case, there was a curvature of the spine. Weakened muscles of the press to throw back to back without letting it straighten.

Lessons for beginners

Posture correction starts from the execution of the simplest exercises. For starters, you need to learn how to sit properly with a straight back. Charging can take place directly in front of a computer, to develop the habit of:

  1. Go straight, the blades are lowered together, leaning your chin to your chest. This condition is necessary to maintain at least 30 seconds.
  2. With a straight back to do the movements of the hands, as when swimming crawl.
  3. Tilt forward, wrapping her ankles with his hands.

To fix the incorrect position of the spine well suited workout with the подручными items. One of them is carried out using several books. You need to put on your head and walk into the opposite wall. The book must not fall. To complicate the exercise, you can look like stairs.

Correct posture practice, is to transfer their hands behind the backs of the various items. So well developed shoulder and lumbar joints. Initially, the transmission is performed with the left hand over the right shoulder, then the side is changing. Such a movement should be repeated 15-20 times.


The next exercise is done standing up. We get up to a maximum straight, pulled the top up. Feet together, hands lie along the body. On the inhale straighten up in струну, and on the exhale tilt, so поясницу round. We do focus on breathing. Repeat 10-15 times.


Disease prevention back pain and restore the proper position of the spine in the early stages of scoliosis effectively carried out using the yoga. The followers of this teaching asserts that a person is young and healthy, until he bends his spine.

Consider the 3 most appropriate asanas for the relaxation of muscles and relieving pain:

  1. "The cat". Simple and very useful exercise. For proper building asana is recommended to explore her picture. The default position of the body — on all fours. On the inhale is done by deep criminal on the exhale back round. We are doing a day for 15-20 times.
  2. Lying face down, the knee is drawn to the chin, the other leg is stretched out shoes the toe back. The forehead and palms pressing into the floor. The exercise is repeated several times on each side.
  3. Sitting on your knees, raise your hands. Buttocks skip on your heels, hands pull forward, gliding across the floor. In this position it is necessary to have a rest for a few tens of seconds.

It is perfect for posture correction more complex:

  1. Go to the back and pull your knees to your chest with your hands. Push the hips to the abdomen and forcefully exhale. Fully relax, and listen to your breathing.
  2. Starting position — lying on his back, legs at hips width. On the exhale slowly pull your hands behind your head and rely on your shoulders, lift your pelvis and hips as possible.
  3. On the exhale omit the thighs and again pull your legs to your chest. Fully exhale air.
  4. On the inhale hands go back, and legs it is necessary to lift at the right angle. Выдохнув, again squeeze your knees to your chest.

This kind of charging is well trains the spine through the release of the shoulder girdle. Exercises for a beautiful posture is performed 8 times.

Relieve back pain and take off the clamps help such a complex:

  1. Starting position — lying on his stomach, the forearm of both hands are placed in front of him. Left foot сгибается in the knee, the same hands we need to grab her from behind ступню.
  2. Прогнувшись back back, at the same time вытягиваем leg. Submitted by left hand forward. We keep the position of the 6 cycles of breathing, then repeat the exercise on the other side.
  3. Hands обхватить the back of the ankles of both feet. Оторвав from the floor of the breast and thereby along a dustpan, bend what is stronger. Lightly swing up-forward in the rhythm of the breathing. Hold the position for 8 breaths-выдохов. Then twice repeated the order.
  4. Lying on his back, chrome the knees and thighs to your chest. You can покачаться from side to side, took off the clamps of the muscles. Обхватить the right knee with the right hand and the left — the left. Slowly вращаем 3 times in a clockwise direction and as well as in the opposite direction.

The japanese way

A very interesting way, how posture correction for adults developed a japanese doctor Fukutsuji. It is based on returning the spine to its anatomically correct position. Japanese specialist says that for obtaining direct possession of the body is enough just 5 minutes a day. The exercise is performed using a roller of the towels.

Due to the daily activities a person learns to keep his back straight as he sits, thus during the movement. The spine straightens, walking is gaining confidence. In addition, noticeably easier breathing, improves sleep, is the psyche.


Technique Fukutsuji foresees the following actions:

  • sit on the mat, выровняв legs and поясницу;
  • lie on your back, placing a pillow exactly at the level of the navel;
  • the legs move about 25 cm, while the big toes touch each other and the heels are diverted to the sides;
  • hands flexing behind his head, palms down so that мизинцы have been associated;
  • be in this position for 5 minutes.

When they appear painful sensations hours should be reduced, and then gradually increase.

Exercises with a stick

This gymnastics is ideal for everyone, but it is especially popular among women. Are you going to shot lead to the hardening of the back muscles, the release of the clamps and the level of posture. You should start with small loads, gradually increasing them.

For exercise is used the rod of length 120 see Such a size allows you to carry out exercises in all positions: sitting, standing and lying down. Each movement is repeated for 10-20 times, depending on the level of training of the person.

Here are the most popular exercises:

  1. From the position in a standing position stretches your hands, hold the projectile wide хватом. The stick is spinning in different directions, and it's up to the twisting of the limbs.
  2. Hold a projectile vertically, through him, to perform mahi feet.
  3. Stamina balance on one leg. The stick is placed on the other. The posture is held for several seconds, and the legs are changing.
  4. Jumping on one leg through the projectile, the stored parallel to the floor.
  5. Starting position — on his knees. The stick is lifting up both hands and draw it on the circle. Movement shall only be carried out body.
  6. In the position in a standing position and holding a stick behind your head, are the sails forward. Other exercise options — from a shell, опущенным behind his back.
  7. With an emphasis on the stick on the elongated arms are carried out jiggle up and down.
  8. Go to the back and holding the projectile before him elongated hands. Legs double and he spends under the stick.

Not all exercise will turn out to perform immediately. So it is necessary to develop gradually, moving from simple to complex.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

This projectile is able to bring great contribution for the creation of a beautiful posture. Today, the horizontal bar means, that in each park, in many gardens, and anyone can install it at home. Usually such exercises are dependent on men, but the basic exercise will be very useful and the girls.

Basic exercises for the back is a normal vis on the panel. With the help of these exercises posture straightened, and the load on the spine is reduced. Best to hang on for 1 minute several times a day, the most relaxing of the muscle. So межпозвоночные drives certainly fall into place.

If necessary, the exercise can get complicated, раскачивая legs and body. The second option is to simulate walking, to the respective movements of the lower limbs. When остеохондрозе it is recommended to hang, cross-legged on the щиколотках. But in this case, before the exercises it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

To strengthen the muscle corset and create a straight back is recommended to do a pull-up. It is important to perform the movement smoothly, синхронизируя with breathing. The grip should be sturdy, large finger into the side. Elbows appropriate to parallel to each other.

Therefore, everyone can choose to exercise in accordance with the level of preparation and your own taste. However, before starting the exercises it is necessary to familiarize with the list of contraindications and consult with a medical practitioner.