Pulling pain in the legs and lower back

This kind of pain prevents, not just live, but to walk. How is it possible that the pain of irritation, which is in the back, it can penetrate into the limb and lead to lameness? Even when the source is placed much higher, we feel its effect at so great a distance: your back hurts, but insensitive and pull the legs. The way the pain in the back gives step?


The reasons it gives pain in the legs can be drafty, osteochondrosis, hernia, tumors, and stress

This is due to the nerve reflex nature of the pain syndrome, its ability to spread over the entire length of the nerve emerging from the spinal cord. When this nerve is somewhere irritated, then there arises a distant feedback.

One of the possible causes of pain in the foot can be inflammation of the sciatic nerve

In the lumbar-sacral department is a tangle of nerve fibers, which resulted from the vertebrae l4, L5 and S1 — S3. It is called plexus sciatic nerves. From the comfort of your piriformis, literally the branches of the femoral and ankle muscles and joints, is the most powerful and long nerves of the human body.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve it responds to the lower extremities. The pain, which appeared in the lower back and is placed on the foot, is called lumbosciatica. Usually it is suffering (pain or pulls) one leg, on the side of the nerve, but it happens and the double-sided reaction, in which both legs hurt.

Pain is all, is not limited, and sick is threatened by other unpleasant feelings:

  • Legs kolyat, they lose sensitivity, pull, or insensitive

If the nerve is affected is the sacrum, with the involvement of the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, then painful from the sacrum and in the legs is called sciatica.

Very often people share the pain in his back and legs into two different categories, and do not see that the key cause. "It hurts me in right knee, numbness in the legs. I can't trample on your feet and climb the ladder" — describe in detail the condition of their limbs, to forget about the pain in the back, which all preceded. She wonders also "the inability of" doctors, who instead, to treat arthritis of the knee joint, they suddenly begin to engage in the spine.

But it is the backbone to your daunting nervous, muscular-ligament and the vascular system is the core of the sciatica.

Why hurt, drag and numb feet

  1. An ordinary draft can be the cause of lumbago in the lower back, gives step. To such consequences can lead to sit on the cold surfaces, bathing in cold water, and similar reasons. Is it even possible to combine under the concept of "hypothermia"
  2. Osteochondrosis — a dystrophic to a degenerative process in the lumbar-sacral department also regularly leads to acute pain of the head, gives in the limb. The reason for their deformation of the disk touching the nerve fibers and causing their inflammation
  3. Education of the extrusion and the intervertebral hernia is able to cause a painful very increased intensity, when it happens squeezing the nerve. The pain impulse is spread across the zone of innervation of the with the speed of the stream. Interesting is, that the feelings on the affected side too resemble symptoms lesions, weak flow: Tingling, burning, crawling tingling, feeling cold. Such symptoms are called paresthesia. If your feet already hurt, but only insensitive, it may mean that due to the long compression of the nerve fibres, in them began to atrophic processes
  4. Other diseases (spondylitis, spondiloartrozom, spondilolistezom) lead to the restrictions of momentum and stagnant phenomena in bone tissues, muscles, nerves and blood vessels, which stimulates inflammatory processes
  5. Tumors of the spine and tuberculosis can also cause inflammation of the sciatic nerve and the feeling that the stretches and numb in the extremities
  6. Stress — is not so harmless phenomenon and will never pass unnoticed, especially where the involved nerves

The classification of the pain syndrome of the back and legs

the pain-giving-the-leg

According to its origin all kinds of back pain, gives to the limb, one can roughly define three basic groups:

  1. The first group is connected with the neuroreflex nature of the pain syndrome and pathological processes in the spine.

    Here you can place all of the VPD (degenerative-dystrophic processes), for the reason that disrupted, all the metabolic processes in tissues and their food, as well as infectious, inflammatory diseases and congenital dysplasia of the spine. The threat to the nerve fibers here is twofold:

    • They are exposed to direct mechanical action of the side links of the spine
    • Dystrophic changes begin to happen in the nerve fibers
  2. The second group is associated with muscle dysfunction in the back or legs. The reasons it again different. It:
    • Scoliosis of the spine, in which are formed the principle of the asymmetry of muscle groups, located on both sides of the arch
    • Excessive load on specific muscles due to uncomfortable body posture or physical overstrain
    • Muscle myositis caused by hypothermia, infectious processes, or congenital pathologies
    • Pain in the legs often occurs on a fairly banal reason — walking in high heels Cause pain in the legs can be uncomfortable high-heeled shoes
  3. Autonomic dysfunction — the third variant of the origin of sciatica

    Vegetative-visceral violation — it's a huge complex of symptoms, which includes all of the disorders in the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the body, associated with impaired regulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)

    The vegetative system is closely linked with the central on the principle of direct and feedback:

    • Disorders in the CNS, local damage to the spinal nerves, and fibers induce disorders in the functioning of the ANS
    • Vegetative disorders include the answer of the nerves of the CNS, in the zone of innervation which are

    Especially often problems with the feet can occur when vegetative-vascular disorders in the area of the lumbar-sacral department pain. Bad blood circulation is able to lead to pain sensations in the back and limbs, dystrophy the muscles of the legs.

Summarizing the above-said, it is possible to make a conclusion:

Find out why it hurts, pull out, and my legs are numb because of the pain originated in my back, it is possible only after a careful diagnosis of:

  • Data history
  • X-ray, computed and magnetic resonance warehouse of the spine
  • Angiography of blood vessels
  • Laboratory tests, etc.

Treatment of pain in the back and legs

Treatment should be completely adequate due to illness.

structure-the nerve
  1. If the painful created VPD, then this is:
    • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS)
    • Traction methods (stretching of the spine using the exhaust device)
    • Manual therapy and acupuncture
    • Application of currents of low frequency, magnetic therapy and other rehabilitation hardware methods
    • Exercise health physical education
  2. When muscle dysfunction caused by scoliosis, the following also applies:
    • Special corrective exercises
    • Wearing corsets
  3. Treatment of myositis is successfully underway:
    • Unpleasant ointments (if myositis is not caused by infections)
    • Massage, physical therapy
    • In some cases, it may be necessary to antibacterial therapy
  4. In vegetovascular dystonia prescribe a comprehensive treatment:
    • Vasodilators
    • Angioprotectors
    • Vitamins and stimulators of metabolic processes
    • Sedatives tranquilizers

Treatment of reflex from pain — it's always a long process, as they are commonly arise in the chronic long-term disease manifests itself on the human nervous system

Therefore, if she got sick back, try to immediately determine the cause of the pain and start the treatment without waiting for the moment when they start to hurt, numb, or to pull the legs.

If the pain in the lower back makes on the leg, in the first of all think about lumbago (sciatica) or rheumatic pain. In particular, if numb fingers and the foot of the tooth pain. Most often this happens. And the few who remembers that such symptomatology can be and at other diseases-e.g. acute appendicitis.



  1. The most common reason — it is the pathology of the spine (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, sciatica, sciatica, intervertebral hernia, spondylitis, spondilolistezom and other diseases of degenerative nature, but also post-traumatic complications, tumors, infectious process);
  2. Pathology of the organs of the lower divisions of the abdominal (kidney stones disease, cystitis, salpingo-ovary, adhesive process, an inguinal hernia, appendicitis, and others).

Important: On rare diseases, which lead to the formation of defines us syndrome, forget not.

Pathology pain muscle structures

Painful in the lower back, which is associated with disease of the spine and spreads to the lower extremity, it is called lumbosciatica.

During the degenerative process in the lumbar spine pillar pain is most often develops due to compression of the nerve roots and in the lower limb to the primary nerves of the lumbar-sacral plexus — sciatic, which is divided into fibular and tibial. This gives in the popliteal cranial beginning of the nerves of the lower extremities.

Compression of nerve roots occurs when the destruction of the intervertebral cartilage on the background of degenerative-dystrophic reaction. When it reduces the distance between the adjacent vertebrae, and, respectively, are smaller openings for the spinal nerve roots. When intervertebral hernia, that you're upset right protrusion of a hernia, when the tumour — pathological substances neoplasms, when spondylosis — bone growths, called osteophytes.

On the background of a faulty process is always evolving inflammatory response in the form of swelling and impairment of function of the surrounding tissue, impairing blood circulation in the affected area, the oppressed normal metabolic processes. The result of which is to increase muscle tone in the area of innervation of the strangulated roots, which leads to strengthening of the pain syndrome.

The development of changes in the spine usually celebrated with the termination of the processes of ossification for about 25 years and is considered a normal physiological phenomenon. Is premature aging of the pain of cartilage structure may be suspended, if it is in accordance with the principles of proper nutrition and strengthen the muscles of the back special exercises.

The different nature of the pain syndrome

Diseases of the spine are manifested by the following types of sciatica:

  • Muscle-tonic — manifested with strong sharp cramps, when it develops a compensatory curvature of the spine, movement in the lower back are limited;
  • Vegetative-vascular — painful burning character, accompanied by a sense numbness in the legs, may appear feeling of cold or heat in the limbs, especially when changing body position. So responds the vascular system to the disease process;
  • Neurodystrophic — develops a painful spasm of mainly at night, sometimes the skin over the morbid fire pit narrows.

Important: Most often the pain syndrome is mixed. Any one form of sciatica in a pure form rarely observed.

The clinical manifestations of some diseases of the spine

  1. When osteochondrosis painful it can be acute and chronic. Acute pain arises after a sharp movement or lifting weights. Often when this numb both legs, the pain area of the hip joints, the movement in the lower back is significantly limited.

Chronic pain is almost a constant companion of life, on which almost gets used to it, so as a bright section is very small. When it pulls in the lumbar region and in the course of the branches of the sciatic nerve.

  1. When intervertebral hernia, localized in the lumbar region, pain may not be as pretty, but is impaired function of the pelvic organs: often pulls "on the little to use the bathroom", can develop urinary incontinence, in the legs celebrates the armor and "crawling fever".

In the development of pain syndrome may develop paralysis of the lower limbs, caused by the full compression of motor nerve roots. But more often in such severe consequences of the disease process still falls short.

  1. In rheumatic pains lumbago in the lower back gives the foot, when it appears claudication, muscle pain and pulling. May reduce the sensitivity on the posterolateral surface of the tibia and the back of the legs. Relief comes in the supine position, the back must be relaxed. Sometimes painful weakened in the "posture of embryo".

Pathology of the internal organs

Often pain in the lower back, it gives the step, are a manifestation of pathology of the internal organs. Limb in this numb along the course of the nerve stretches, and the pain can give the groin.

  1. Kidney stones disease can manifest itself described a symptom, when the stone, it's about the ureter;
  2. When the glue diseases of the nerves can put pressure spikes;
  3. Salpingo-ovarian, uterine fibroids, endometriosis also manifested by unpleasant sensations in the lumbar-sacral segment and the legs on the side of the lesion;
  4. Acute appendicitis in atypical location of the appendicitis (retroperitoneal on the posterior side of the cecum) is manifested by pulling pain in the lumbar region on the right side, which gives on the right foot. If it is in the supine position, try to lift the straight right leg, then it involuntarily bend and unfold outwards.

Similar phenomena are explained by features of the innervation of the organs of small pelvis and legs.