Why hurt the lower back?

Indeed, in most cases, pain in the lower back and the spine. In particular, it is the cause of pain in the majority of cases are degenerative disc disease and spondiloartrozom. This is the so-called "primary" causes, which are caused by muscular-skeletal changes.

pain in the back

But there are a number of "secondary" reasons, not all of which are connected to each backbone. So, what are the "secondary" causes of pain?

Let's look at some of them:

  • a variety of tumors (both primary and metastatic) of the vertebrae and the spinal cord;
  • fractures of the vertebrae;
  • infectious diseases, which may result beat the intervertebral disc and the vertebrae;
  • metabolic lesions of bone tissue (osteoporosis, osteomalacia);
  • non-communicable diseases of the inflammatory in nature (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis);
  • acute disorders of the spinal blood circulation, which, for example, occur when stroke;
  • disease growth;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal obstruction, atypical acute appendicitis);
  • diffuse pain, which may occur in various diseases of the organs of the pelvis (infectious gynecological diseases, renal colic).

As you can see, the cause is not always in the spine. Some fairly serious disease can also lead to the emergence of such pain. True, in this case, the pain wears reflect character and often enough to hurt the underbelly and back, so the diagnosis is put easier.

There is also another reason for the occurrence of pain. So, often enough it hurts your lower back during pregnancy, especially in the late stage, when the load on the spine is very large, and he is forced to "bend" more than usual. In addition, when pregnancy is shifting the center of gravity of the person and increases the weight, all this also lies a "big burden" on the spine.

Lumbalgie – what we meet most often

The most common problem is still the lumbago – pain-syndrome, which develops in the lower back. The reasons for its occurrence is much easier and "harmless" than many other types of pain. In particular, the cause of lumbodynia usually acts of physical overwork, sudden movement, excessive physical effort with a load on his back, a long stay in an uncomfortable position, hypothermia, colds, bruises, etc. However, the same osteochondrosis can also become a cause of lumbago.

During this course of this syndrome is basically chronic, when there is a regular alternation of relapses and remissions. In relapses affected can severely hurt your back, yet the pain is usually sharp and sharp, emerging seizures. During remission the pain will subside, but for some time persists a feeling of discomfort in the affected area.

How to get rid of pain in the lower back?

In the first place it is necessary to remember that the pain can be caused by various causes, while it is not always clear. Therefore, the use of painkillers funds in this case will give the effect that the person wants to get. In fact, these drugs only mask the pain, but the cause of its emergence will not disappear after the termination of the action of drugs, the pain returns.

You cannot forget a simple truth – it is necessary to treat the pain, and the cause of its occurrence. For example, in osteochondrosis, the most important part of the treatment are non-steroid anti-inflammatory and painkillers, as many people think. In fact, these meds just have to alleviate the patient's condition in the period of acute pain and at least a little relieve inflammation. Treatment is started after that, as the pain receded. This is the reason, massage, therapeutic physical training, a diet – this is all the cure, which allows to avoid relapse of the disease.


Not worth it to try to estimate yourself, why can pain the lower back. The best solution is to take painkillers and go to the doctor, if the pain is bearable. If you walk due to the strong pain syndrome hard, then it is better to call a doctor in the house.

The doctor, after spending the primary examination, prescribe you another MRI diagnostics for determining the nature of the disease, which can be directly associated with diseases of the pelvic.