Why do my muscles ache on my back and what I can do

If you are experiencing pain in the muscles of the back, the causes are different. Spin the person from the neck to the sacral fully covered by muscles, and have a great physical burden. So why hurts the dorsal muscles?

Pain and crunching in the joints can eventually lead to terrible consequences - local or complete restriction of movement in the joint up to the disability. People learned bitter experience, how you treat your joints have a natural remedy that is recommended to a rheumatologist.

Diseases of the spine

Suffer from them of 85% of the population of the Country. Affect the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, the spinal cord, the tribes, the roots of the spinal nerves, veins, arteries, capillaries, ligaments, muscles. The most common diseases: osteochondrosis, spondylitis, Bechterew's, arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis.


The enemy of the spine
Osteochondrosis – a chronic disease of the spine, leading to degenerative the defeat and destruction of the bones, intervertebral discs, vertebral articular cartilage as a result of:

  • hereditary disposition;
  • improper nutrition;
  • excess weight;
  • delegated wound;
  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • excessive load;
  • stress, etc.

Due to the anatomical transformation of the spine, its pathological mobility infringes on the nerves, soft tissue, marrow roots and blood vessels.

Creates the soreness.


  • violation of posture;
  • decreased mobility in the vertebral joints (inability to straighten at 100%, turn your head);
  • reduce skin sensitivity, numbness, tingling.

To alleviate the burden on the misalignment of the spine muscles of the reflective tighten (shrink). With time the constant the stress causing other pain – muscle. Character and localization of pain On them it affects the area of the spread:

  1. In the case of cervical degenerative disc disease, when compressed veins and arteries, paroxysmal pain, burning, throbbing. Localization often one – sided- the back of the head, the other part of the head.
  2. When breast osteochondrosis, the symptomatology of which often resembles other diseases (internal organs, for example), pain or an acute character, similar to the nearest of myocardial infarction, and either gradually increasing, similar to the nearest pneumonia, but with the lack of cough and heat. It focuses qui inter costas area, in the area of the shoulder blades and the upper part of the abdomen.
  3. When lumbar osteochondrosis muscle pain lumbar sudden, with shot. Hurts the muscles of the lumbar and socks, with the impact, groin and hip.

In the complicated variant, in the intergrowth of the vertebrae, soreness decreases or disappears.

Other symptomatology
When cervical osteochondrosis, in addition, that hurts the muscles of the back and neck, are the symptoms of oxygen deficiency of the kidney: dizziness, nausea, migraine headaches, reduce alertness, sensitivity of the hands and shoulder girdle, shortness of breath, limitation of mobility of the neck. In adulthood it is possible sudden loss of consciousness, in the complicated variant – stump and paralysis of the hand.

When breast osteochondrosis — cough, "com" in the throat, difficulty in swallowing, předklonů, lifting arms, high blood pressure, pain in the heart area.

When lumbar osteochondrosis — a feeling of numbness of the skin, stump and paralysis of the lower extremities, and in men, trouble urinating and getting erections, in women – menstrual cycle disorders.

For the doctor to turn, performs diagnostics
Because similar to other diseases symptoms the patients come to a therapist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist. It takes time, raises complications. Profile your doctor is a neurologist.

2 methods of diagnosis:

  • laboratory: general and biochemical blood tests;
  • instrumental: x-rays of the spine in 2 planes, MRI, CT scan and biopsy with microscopy.

The results of the research are compared the possibilities of therapeutic procedures. Treatment of degenerative disc disease If it is present muscle pain in your back, treatment conservative and surgical. Conservative links:

  1. Treatment treatment of. Is assigned at the moment of crisis. Use with nsaids, muscle relaxants, hondoprotektory, vitamins b, E, angioprotectors, glucocorticoids, biogenic stimulators.
  2. Of rehabilitation medicine. Thanks to electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, exercise therapy and other healing process goes faster.
  3. The spa treatment. Effectively in a period of remission.
  4. Diet. In a period of crisis, you need to eat small portions 5-7 times during the day, eliminating fried, choice of cooked sausages and steamed food. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

When inefficacia methods of carrying out operative intervention: removal of intervertebralis hernia either the intervertebral disc with the substitution of the silicone implant (prosthesis).

Diseases of the internal organs

Sometimes the muscle pain occurs on a background of diseases of internal organs:

  • The digestive tract (gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, perforated ulcer, pathology of the colon);
  • of the pancreas (chronic inflammation of the pancreas, chronic pancreatitis);
  • the gallbladder (acute cholecystitis);
  • liver (colic);
  • the respiratory tract (pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, tuberculosis);
  • infections of the urinary tract (prostatitis, renal colic), gynecological diseases (myomas, inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, endometriosis);
  • cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, an aneurysm of the aorta).
The pain comes from the organs to the back and called diffundit (business).

The type of pain, the concentration of
In disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gall bladder and liver, acute pain, localization – stomach, right side, with irradirovaniem in the lower back and clavicle, a little below the shoulder blades. In hepatic colic the pain extends to right shoulder blade, neck, the entire abdomen. When inflammation of the prostate pain encircling.

In diseases of gynecological and urinary apparatus it hurts the muscles of the lower back. Severe abdominal pain and genital organs, diffundit in the back on both sides, in the middle of the accelerated urination, indicative of a failure of colic.

In diseases of the respiratory tract on the background of flashes, pain diffundit in your lower back, shoulder blades and breasts, scelesto cough.

Pain in the back on the left, extending to left arm and neck, indicative of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.Pain in the back

Accompanying symptomatology
Plagued by nausea, heartburn, vomiting, hyperhidrosis. Muscles of the abdominal wall are compressed, so that the abdomen hard.


Mechanical damage

With the biggest enlargement of the reason. You can get:

  • athletes in training due to the incorrect calculation of the severity or working with weights;
  • children in the excessive mobility;
  • divers on impact with the water;
  • in pregnant women;
  • young mothers when raising the child;
  • when lifting weights or during increased physical exertion;
  • during intensive movement;
  • in the fall, especially from a height on your back or landing on your feet, which makes it possible to obtain a compression injury to the vertebrae;
  • in mechanical wounds on the outside — blunt force, blast and so on

Main symptomatology: sore back muscles along the spine at the site of injury, it swells up. Due to injury of blood vessels bleeding occurs in soft tissues, with the emergence of bruises and bruises.

Kind of pain, localization
Damage as a result of a bruised spine lead to spilled dull pain at the site of injury, without a clear definition of mindfulness. For damage, which leads to rupture of ligaments without distortion or very resistant to the crisis spinous processes, pain is intense, focusing in the area of the spinous and shear processes in turn in the area of the injured intestine.
Other symptomatology
When the damage in the thoracic region — loss of sensation in the extremities, ataxia, pain in the heart area, when you inhale.


Who to contact, diagnosis
You need to get to the meeting to the traumatologist, even when the damage appears to be negligible. The consequences of injuries can manifest themselves later.

Carried out eye examinations, collection of medical history, examination of the course of the disease, is associated with CT examination, radiography. On the basis of the diagnosis is another treatment lead neurosurgeon and semper. The recommended treatment When minor damage is indicated bed rest, use of anti-inflammatory and pain medications ointments and gels. Gradually bed rest are replaced with small loads, trying to restart.

Helminthiasis, in particular echinococcosis

The frequent reason. Echinococcosis – parasitic diseasecaused by the larval stage of the tapeworm Echinococcus. The infection occurs:

  • when in contact with the pet carrier helminth;
  • during the reception feces-contaminated animals, berries, vegetables, fruits;
  • with water from natural sources, containing eggs worming.

Extending with the blood in the body, affecting internal organs, forming a single chamber capsule of the cysts in the form of a bladder, the Cysts may contain up to 10 liters of fluid, reach up to a few kilograms, account for more than one year. Effuse cysts lead to progressive destruction of the affected organ, up to his atrophy. Rupture of the cyst may be the cause of anaphylactic shock.

The cause of muscle back pain the most commonly used echinococcosis of the spinal cord or kidneys.

The type of pain, location
In the initial stage is asymptomatic. With the growth of cysts the situation is changing.

When echinokokózae of the spinal cord from squeezing the bubble body and the bow of the vertebra and the spinal cord appears encircling the sharp pain with the axis in the thoracic region, rising in point of vigorous movements. The mobility of the vertebrae of the pillar decreases, the direct back muscles thickening, the appearance of war, during the palpation of the spinous processes of the spine painful.

Accompanying symptomatology During the helminthiasis of the spinal cord is manifested by pain in the extremities. When echinokokózae kidneys — rapid fatigue, lack of appetite, weight loss, nausea. At a later stage are added renal colic, exacerbation of pyelonephritis, difficult urination, motility disorders of the kidney, palpate the tumor, the round shape in the area of hypochondrium. The attending physician Often people turn to in allergists, therapists, neurologists, infektsionistam, that does not bring relief.

Treatment is surgery, the family doctor is a neurosurgeon.

Diagnostics of helminthiasis
The basic methods are:

  1. CT. Allows to detect neoplasms in the spinal canal.
  2. Myelography. Registered in the intercavernous channel of the spine a contrasting fabric allows you to take pictures (myelogram).
  3. Analysis of the blood . The reaction of passive hemagglutination.
For accurate diagnosis is an important collection of history about the available contacts with animals, consumption of water from natural sources, visits to forests and so on

Treatment used
So what about when my muscles ache on your back? Treatment of the stenosis is the removal of the compression of the bow of the vertebra (laminectomy), emptying the bladder, removing the outer shell, the processing of the cavity of 2.5% of iodium solution, then the salt of thiosulfate of sodium.

Cysts infected kidney removed, if necessary, spend a resection or nephrectomy. After the surgical treatment to avoid from semination are appointed antihistamines means.

Autoimmune diseases

One of the most serious reasons. An autoimmune myositis – inflammation of the striated muscles, occurs as a result of the perception of the immune system of their cells, the muscle fibers in threatening the health and destruction of pathogens it their connective tissue shell. May be affected by one muscle (the local myositis), or several (Pauliemyositis). If the affected skin, then this is the dermatomyositis. Autoimmune myositis arises independently and on the background of the existing systemic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, red lupus, scleroderma.

The main symptoms are muscle weakness, tension and swelling in muscles, muscle pain, restriction of movements – sick hard getting out of bed, caters to itself. Autoimmune

The appearance and location of the pain
The pain is dull, not intense. It is amplified when you change the temperature, movements. In some cases, completely disappear. Is concentrated in the area of the affected muscle.
Auxiliary symptoms
Perhaps the local increase in temperature. When pascebantur the muscles of the neck, difficult swallowing, muscles of the pectoral department and the aperture — prevents cough, breathing.

In Dermatomyositis skin cover is done edematous. Arise of crimson-red spots or nodes, severe itching. Who to contact, how it is diagnosed Autoimmune myositis to diagnose and treat the doctor-rheumatologist. Inspection of the sick, the refinement of existing complaints and the availability of systemic diseases. Is appointed electromyography.

Methods of treatmentTreatment includes the use of:

  • steroid anti-inflammatory hormones;
  • immunosuppressive drugs, suppression of reaction of immunity;
  • extracorporeal therapy – hemosorption, plasmapheresis;

During exacerbation of the disease by intravenous injections vitamins and antitoxic solutions. After facilitating condition usually prescribe medical massage and physiotherapy.