Back pain and lower back pain

Most often it hurts the shoulders, so as the lumbar department of spine is the largest mobility and carries the weight of the top half of the body. Pain in the lower back has a separate title — lumbago, if she gives step — sciatica. Less often the pain arise and in the thoracic area of the back. If the pain is acute and spread (puts) in the shoulder or in hand, says to her "lumbago" or "sciatica". This kind of pain is usually associated with compression of the intervertebral nerves.

pain in the lower back

Pain in the back and lower back pain can occur suddenly after lifting weights, if an unpleasant turn. Sometimes discomfort in the back, they evolve gradually from-for long load or incorrect posture. Less common causes of pain to install, you cannot. The pain may intensify at night, during exertion or after a prolonged search in an uncomfortable position, for example, after a long travel in the car. More often the pain occurs in the position of lying down on a flat hard surface.

In most cases, your back hurts for a few days or weeks, and then health improves and mobility is fully restored. Accelerate recovery help to the anesthetic and a certain mode of motor activity: calm only in the first 1-2 day of particularly intense pain, and then gradual return to an active lifestyle. In some cases, however, back or shoulders it hurts a long time, more than 6 weeks. Then he talks about the development of chronic back pain and prescribe further treatment.

An important role is played by mood. Because of the pain can be difficult to keep a good frame of mind, but studies show that positive-minded people, as usual, better faster, than those who dwell in the doldrums.

The causes of back pain

Health depends on the coordinated work of a complex mechanism of bones, muscles, nerves and joints. Often pinpoint the cause of the pain is difficult. Fortunately, serious diseases or injuries of the back occur rarely. Most often the pain in the lower back or the spine occurs as a result of minor contusions, muscle tension, stretching the muscles and ligaments, retention and inflammation of the nerves. Discomfort in the back can occur suddenly or develop gradually rising. Possible causes of pain in the back and lower back:

  • awkward movement: flexion or rotation of the torso;
  • lifting or transferring heavy objects, long sails of the hull;
  • poor posture while walking or sitting;
  • excessive stretching of the muscles of the back;
  • a long ride behind the wheel without stops.

Sometimes starts to spin the disease for no apparent reason, for example, in the morning, after sleep.

Risk factors of back pain

Certain risk factors increase the likelihood of back pain or lower back pain:

  • Overweight — while in the spine bears more load. In order to understand whether your weight is normal, a record of body mass index.
  • Smoking — this can cause damage to the tissues of the back, smokers, as a rule, less often, lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Pregnancy — the backbone of the women is exposed to additional load, which increases with the increase in the volume of the abdomen.
  • Long intake of drugs that reduce bone density, such as corticosteroids.
  • Stress — it is believed that the constant excitement raises muscle tension back and neck, which can cause pain.

Disorders that can cause pain in the back and lower back:

  • Degenerative disc disease and its complications, for example, a herniated of the spine — degenerative disease in which are destroyed the intervertebral cartilage, which leads to the formation of pain. This disease often develops with age, and especially for those people who have a great burden on his back.
  • Stretching the ligaments and muscles — which is often after excessive physical exertion or awkward movement.
  • Different types of arthritis — an inflammatory disease of the joints. In this case, in addition to pain noted morning stiffness of the joints, a violation of the motility.
  • Kidney disease, for example, pyelonephritis can cause pain in the lower back.

There are also more dangerous, but they are very rare causes of back pain. For example, cancer, tuberculosis of the spine, aneurysm of the aorta (the volume the walls of the major blood vessels), etc. All are usually diagnosed during examination by a doctor.

Diagnosis of pain in the back and lower back


With back pain and lower back pain is most often can be managed at home with medication sold at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Treatment in hospital is usually not necessary. If the pain is pronounced, turn for help to the doctors, to the physician. If the pain does not fully move, you can call the doctor at home.

During the examination the doctor ask you to sit down, stand up, be held, alternately lift the legs, and also checks whether the amplitude of the movement in the back. You may ask for a delegated illnesses or injuries, about your lifestyle and the character of the work, as well as:

  • When started the pain?
  • Where it hurts?
  • You disturbed spin in the past?
  • Can you describe the pain?
  • What pain worsens or passes?

In the course of the survey and inspection of the doctor to try to rule out infectious disease and fractures, although they are very rare. In the case of disputed diagnosis, you can send on further research: magnetic resonance imaging ct (MRI) or x-ray of the spine. To exclude renal disease, the doctor prescribes the general analysis of urine.

In most cases, pain in the back manage to remove in a few days. If the treatment doesn't help, back pain lasts longer than 6 weeks (the so-called chronic back pain) or cause of the disease is a serious disease, the therapist will refer you to a specialist. Most often the treatment of back pain or lower back pain deals with the neurologist. In addition, the treatment may join as a doctor, as an osteopath, reflexologist, manual therapist.

Treatment of back pain and lower back pain

Back pain treatment may depend on its duration and severity, and also on your personal preferences and needs. Most often, the pain can be alleviated by drugs without prescription medication and treatment at home.

Exercise regimen

In earlier years it was assumed that when the back pain they need peace of mind. It is now known that people, who before they begin to fully move faster to cope with back pain and lower back pain. Complete rest and bed rest is indicated only for 1-2 days in the acute period, when the pain very express and gives the thrust. While it is recommended lying on a hard and level surface. Once the condition improves slightly, it is necessary to gradually return to a mobile lifestyle, prolongs the amplitude of the movements a little bit every day.

Gradually you will be able to move around the house or go shopping. You will have to put up with some discomfort and learn to avoid anything that causes severe pain. A few days later, you can return to work, without waiting for the moment when the pain in your back or lower back will be held completely (unless, of course, your work is connected with the excessive load on the spine). Early activation will help you to return to the normal routine of the day and a distraction from the pain.

Muscle relaxants

These are drugs that eliminate spasm of skeletal muscles, relax the muscles. It is prescribed in cases where there is excessive tension of the muscles of the spine increases the pain, that, for example, it is possible when sharpening degenerative disc disease or a herniated disc. Muscle relaxants have side actions, many of them cannot be taken for the wheel. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Treatment of heat and cold

treatment with heat

Some relieve the pain it helps to heat, for example, a hot bath or warmer on the sore spot. Also alleviate the condition of the can and cold, for example, if it is attached to the lower back pain ice or package of frozen vegetables. Do not use ice directly on the skin because it can cause frostbite. Wrap it in a damp towel and put on the sick place. You can also alternate treatment heat with cold, putting alternating ice and a heating pad.

Position for sleep

A change of posture for sleep and may relieve the tension of back pain and relieve the pain. If you sleep on your side, slightly pull his legs to his chest and put a pillow between your legs. If you are lying on your back, place a pillow under your knees to maintain the natural curvature of the spine in the lumbar.


This is a very important part of the fight with pain, because if you're worried, it will cause muscle tension, which can exacerbate the pain. Studies show that positively-minded people usually recover faster. The pain for them goes into a protracted, chronic. There are a variety of relaxation techniques. Usually, it is recommended to master the breathing exercises, and also simple exercise with the alternate tension and relaxation of different muscles of the body.

Exercise and a healthy lifestyle

Try to remove the cause of the pain in the back, to prevent its return in the future. Among the most common causes of back pain — being overweight, bad posture and stress. Regular exercise and an active lifestyle will your back be strong and healthy. Most people opt for it, nordic walking, swimming and yoga. The most important thing — choose what you like and do not cause pain. Sometimes you're going to be carried out in groups under the guidance of a qualified instructor. Usually, in classes carried out exercises to strengthen the muscles and improve the posture, as well as aerobic exercise and stretching exercises.

Treatment of chronic pain in the back

If back pain lasts longer than 6 weeks (the so-called chronic back pain), in addition to the medication against the pain of funds and relaxation of the muscles applying the method described below to deal with the pain. These treatments help those who pain in your back prevents the exercise of the usual things and alarming.

Prevention of back pain

A strong and supple back — the best way to avoid pain. Therefore, the most effective prevention is regular physical exercise, correct posture and compliance with osh in the rise and portability of weights.

If you regularly back hurts, try the following:

  • Lose weight, if you suffer from obesity. Too much weight of the body can expose the lower back to the additional load.
  • Wearing orthopedic shoes on a small heel, which reduces the load on the spine during walking.
  • Avoid sudden movements that can cause sprains of the muscles.
  • Learn how to manage stress, worry and unrest, which may increase the pain in the back.

The correct posture and healthy sleep during back pain

Posture significantly affects the health of your back. In a standing position always try to keep the body exactly, his head straight, he has no idea. Allocates the weight evenly on both feet, bend is. Sit erect, with an emphasis on the lower back. Knees and hips should be at the same level, and legs — to stand on the floor (if necessary, use the rack for the legs). Sometimes it is advantageous to close under the bottom of the back, a small pillow or a minimum a towel. If you write on the keyboard, the forearms must lie horizontally, and your elbows should be bent at a right angle.

If you spend a lot of time behind the wheel, make sure that the chair is the emphasis on the lower back. If re-setting under each side of the lateral type, do not bending the back. The pedals must be directly in front of your feet. On a longer journey, regularly making stops to stretch your back.

Sleep should serve as a full-fledged relaxation of the whole body, including the back. For it is quite hard mattresses, so it is not bent under the weight of the body from shoulders to butt, as hammocks. If the bed is too soft, put a rigid board or billboard (in the ideal case of 2 cm thickness) under the mattress. The head should lie on the pillow, but the neck should not bend under a large angle.