Why back pain: causes, kinds of pain, treatment

The pain for many spin and very differently, from time to time it happens that it's with most adult people. At someone's pain not even about anything serious, just need to do a few simple exercises to get it passed. Someone becomes a symptom of the tumor, an infectious lesion or degenerative changes in the spine.

To understand what causes pain, what it becomes and what to do with it, is not so difficult.

The causes of back pain

the causes of back pain

Why hurt your back? The causes of back pain are diverse. To describe easily just by splitting into groups.

  • Temporary. Syndrome has been observed in healthy people in a short interval of time, as a result of exposure to adverse circumstances, the abuse of physical load, a long finding in one position. It's not dangerous, just to get rid of.
  • Degenerative. It will appear as a result of changes in the spine: shifted vertebrae, problems with the intervertebral discs, a pinched nerve. It's not dangerous, but annoying, and they differ by a long passage.
  • Infectious. Becomes the symptom of the inflammatory process, passing in the spine or surrounding muscles. It is dangerous, because the infection has an effect on the whole body very negatively and can lead to death of the patient.
  • Exudes. It becomes a symptom of diseases of internal organs. The spine is not curved, the pain, just gives in the back.
  • More. This group merges the reasons, which are not included in the first four.

Understanding why your back hurts, it is necessary to break down each group separately.

Temporary pain

It was accompanied by my smallest group, but it is with them doesn't have a chance to meet every person. The reasons why these three:

  • An awkward body position. Pain in the back becomes a natural response to muscle tension and curvature of the spine. Pain to drag, annoying. Are typical for people who work sitting several hours, without creates a comfortable work space, during a prolonged stay in one position.
  • The effort of the muscles. If an untrained person begins to wear the weights, will be active work, or go to the gym, his reaction to the muscles and ligaments will be natural the next day it will suffer pain. The character of her drawing, amplified, when trying to move. If you continue to strain, can bring the muscles of the inflammation.
  • Pregnancy. For addition, that the child could get from a generic way, already in the first months of pregnancy in a woman's body starts produced by the hormone, which bundles the soft. In this case, the longer the duration, the greater the child's weight and the load on the spine as a result are still a drag constant pain localized in the lower back or sacrum.

Back pain of this kind by themselves, the muscles regenerate, the child is born, posture changes and everything returns to normal with virtually no participation of the patient.

All what it can to alleviate their condition, to ensure your time peace of mind.

Degenerative pain

degenerative pain

Such disruption of the functioning of a more serious than temporary and they do not go. These include:

  • Osteochondrosis of the. The reason is the degenerative changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs. They lose their elasticity and are flat, thus the vertebrae become less movable, crumble, changing its shape. Distinguish, depending on what kind of amazed spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. Neck accompanied by pain, which give to the shoulder, painful headaches, dizziness, impaired hearing. Thoracic put on the chest, often so strongly that they appear breathing problems. In the lumbar due to the legs, often accompanied by lameness and disorders of the pelvic organs.
  • Intervertebral hernia. Hernia develops when the intervertebral disc bulges between the vertebrae. First dull pain, stretches, is amplified when it is on the disk, press the vertebrae when the patient coughs, increases the severity, long sitting in one place. To intensify in the future, begins to give to the limb, becomes acute. It is accompanied by weakness of the muscles, rapid change for the worse the posture, the problems with the sensitivity of the limbs. If left untreated, can bring up to paralysis only, that under the disk which pinched.
  • Offset vertebrae. Develops either due to congenital pathology, or due to degenerative changes in the structure of the spine. Localized most often in the area of the lower back, the pain is constant, stretches, responds to the buttocks and legs.
  • Hair drive. Becomes a logical continuation of the development of a hernia of the spine. Pinched disc to bulge so that it actually falls out from its place. For the disease is typical of acute pain, the patient freezes in one position, and trying very hard to move, to not make things worse.
  • Radiculitis. Arises due to the pinch points of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. It is manifested by pains, then tingling, numbness, reduced sensitivity to to the complete atrophy of the plot, the connection of which with the nervous system provides the particular spine. It is because of the back pain lumbago arises a strong pain syndrome, in which afflicted suddenly shoots back and freezes in a bent position, unable to stretch.
  • Osteoporosis. Arises either due to old age or due to hormonal disorders in the body. Bone tissue, due to the influence of the disease, becomes less dense and loses its normal structure. Pain occurs during a long stay in a static position or when the weather changes. Accompanied by a change of posture, leg cramps and distress fragility of the bones of any weak punch could lead to very resilient to the crisis.
  • The Disease Ankylosing Spondylitis. Disease that leads to weakening of the small joints of the spine that connect each vertebra. It is characterized by constant pain, which is amplified in the night, and it becomes easier in the morning.

Degenerative changes are chronic in nature and treats largely of the change in lifestyle and manual therapy. Symptomatic therapy is appointed only during exacerbations, the surgical intervention are shown only in individual cases when osteochondrosis, for example, they help to.


Specific inflammations of the spine is not much of the greater part of the syndrome arises as a result of infectious diseases, which can, in principle, localized, anywhere. Most often, these are the two diseases:

  • Tuberculosis. The pulmonary form is most common, but it happens, and so that the affected spine. Torturous pain, the treatment is long and difficult, often the person remains at the end of the with disabilities.
  • Osteomyelitis. It affects the bone tissue, periosteum, bone marrow. Runs hard, with the formation of pus. Pain to drag, are accompanied by the formation of fistulas festering wounds on the body.

And tb, and osteomyelitis accompanied by an increase in temperature, headache, weakness in the muscles, fatigue, and often also with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea all these are classic symptoms of infection. Treatment they need immediately, because the more early stage that it will be more efficient.


erradioa pain

Disorders of the internal organs may also become the cause of development of pain. When the pain is escalating and not reducing from changes in body position, and also accompanied by clear symptomatology, pointing to a specific authority.

  • Kidneys. The most common variant, most often in inflammatory diseases or in the rocks. Pain encircling, is the lower back, a stronger back, is not dependent on the movement. It is accompanied by frequent impulses to urinate, the saturated yellow color of the urine or blood in it, fever. Sometimes occurs in the form of renal colic, acute burning on one side of the back.
  • GI. When the ulcer or gastritis pain may be given in the back. The character of the sore, they occur either in the night, when a person is leaving to sleep, or when he is hungry, either right after a meal. They are accompanied by the classic symptoms of disorders of the stomach and intestines swelling, increased formation of gas, nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Sometimes it is added heartburn and blood in the stool, black if the patient of stomach ulcer, black, if the ulcer of the intestine.
  • Gynecology. In women in pain, too worn aching character, are slightly above the loins. They are accompanied by disorders of the menstrual cycle, secretions of unusual color and consistency, with an unpleasant odor, problems during sexual intercourse, sometimes elevated temperature.
  • Light. Stabbing pain in the thoracic region, will intensify the tint, fading as you exhale. Accompanied by a pompous, shallow, rapid breathing, symptoms of oxygen starvation, fatigue, dizziness, fainting.
  • Heart. Stabbing pain in the thoracic region, may be given in the arm and hand on the left side. Accompanied by arrhythmia or tachycardia, rapid breathing, dizziness.

In this case, pain syndromes easily linked with the internal organs, because in a normal painful sensations in the back, no other symptoms are observed.


To this group belong such pathology, such as malignancy and injury of the back, which are not included in the previous one. For them are characteristic different symptoms:

  • Tumor. Cancer in the spine occurs only rarely then turns out, overwhelmed, or bone marrow or bone tissue. More spin to show riddled with metastases, and then, in addition to the basic symptoms the patient is suffering from more and from the most powerful back pain.
  • Trauma. Fall, wounds, and other injuries leave the hematoma, sometimes fractures ribs and my spine. And symptomatology, and the treatment is very dependent on the nature of the injury, from what vertebrae it as a young person. The most effects vary from just wait when it comes bruise to lie in the hospital and wait a long time until the cubes coincide.

In any case, these reasons are serious and require a visit to the doctor, diagnosis and treatment.

Kinds of pain

Back pain is often different to assume what the problem is, just on her character. It becomes:

  • strong, stretches typical for degenerative changes, either, if it is accompanied by symptoms, heart and lung diseases;
  • acute occurs when rheumatic pains, loss of vertebrae, kidney colic and infectious defeat, is often accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • the pains are most often caused by muscle tension (and then the muscles in the palpation of the solid, reduced), but may even testify of degenerative changes is not in the phase of deterioration, if the pain in the back lasting;
  • exudes the symptoms of back pain are accompanied by symptoms from other organs, the pain changes in intensity, or depending on the position of the body, or depending on the time of day.

If the back hurts, the pain eloquently speaks about that he is beaten. Sometimes there is no need to even visits to the doctor and it is possible to fix it yourself.

What to do when back pain?

what to do when back pain

There are a number of cases, when going to the doctor is necessary:

  • if the disease is of a chronic nature, and the patient met with him even once;
  • if the pain arose as a result of muscle tension;
  • if the patient just sitting in an uncomfortable position and can clearly associate with this pain.

In such cases, it is enough to place that hurts in a warm place (you can roll him in a sling), avoid uncomfortable positions and drink vitamins to help the body recover faster.

Instantly record to your doctor or to cause its on the house, it is necessary, if:

  • the pain appeared after an injury;
  • the pain is accompanied by loss of sensitivity of the back or limbs;
  • the pain does not pass in a few days, or even strengthened;
  • it accompanies the increased temperature and other symptoms of the infection;
  • the pain does not pass, even if it is to lie down and relax;
  • pain accompanied by other symptoms of tachycardia, shortness of breath, difficulty with urination, constipation or diarrhea.

The doctor is also a must visit, if back pain is bothering the child or the older person, older fifty years.


Diagnosis is carried out continuously after the consultation at which the doctor asks the patient about the symptoms and holding the palpation, held various examinations to understand what could lead to back pain.

Among them are:

  • routine examination of blood and urine allow you to create an idea of the condition of the body, as well as to identify infectious contamination, if they are;
  • x-ray is useful for detection of tumors and of tuberculosis, allows you to create an idea about the shape of the spine and its deformation;
  • ULTRASOUND and MRI of the subject to obtain maximum detailed image of the spine.

After receiving the results of the survey, the doctor can already assume what is the cause of this condition and prescribe a more specialized analysis. Biopsy, which shows how to place processes in the tissues, neurological tests, which show the depth of lesions infectious of the crop, the detection of the pathogen.

In consequence, the circle to shrink so that the cause of this pathology will be obvious and it will be possible to proceed to treatment.